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Uses of Generative AI In Test Automation: How It Works

February 29 2024
Author: V2Soft
AI In Test Automation

Generative AI is emerging as a powerful tool in the realm of automation testing, offering significant advancements over traditional methods. Here's a breakdown of its potential:

What is Generative AI in Test Automation?

It utilizes machine learning and natural language processing to automatically generate comprehensive test cases. Unlike traditional scripted automation, generative AI doesn't rely on pre-defined scripts but learns from existing data and user behavior to create diverse and effective test scenarios.

Benefits of Generative AI in Test Automation

Generative AI brings a multitude of advantages to the table when it comes to test automation, significantly enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of the process. Here are some key benefits:

Reduced Manual Effort:

One of the biggest advantages is the automation of repetitive tasks like creating test cases. This frees up valuable time for testers, allowing them to focus on more strategic activities that require human expertise and creativity, such as exploratory testing, analyzing test results, and designing test strategies.

Increased Test Coverage:

Generative AI's ability to analyze existing data and user behavior empowers it to generate a wider range of test scenarios compared to traditional methods. This leads to more comprehensive test coverage, encompassing edge cases and complex situations that might be missed with manual testing.

Improved Test Efficiency:

By automating test case creation and execution, generative AI significantly reduces testing cycle times. This allows for quicker feedback on software quality, leading to faster identification and rectification of bugs, ultimately accelerating development cycles.

Enhanced Test Quality:

The ability to generate diverse and realistic test scenarios enables generative AI to uncover potential issues that traditional testing methods might overlook. This leads to a higher quality of tests and ultimately, a more robust and reliable software product.

Additional Benefits:

Aside from the core advantages mentioned above, generative AI offers further benefits including:

  • Generating realistic test data: Creating diverse and valid test data sets for various user inputs and scenarios.
  • Automating exploratory testing: Assisting in exploring software functionalities autonomously, identifying unexpected behaviours and potential bugs.
  • Visual testing automation: Training AI models to identify visual inconsistencies and layout issues in the user interface.
  • Predictive maintenance: Analyzing test results to predict potential issues and suggest preventative measures, improving software reliability.

While generative AI offers a plethora of benefits, it's crucial to acknowledge the challenges associated with its implementation, such as model training, explainability, bias, and integration with existing workflows. However, the potential of generative AI to revolutionize software testing is undeniable, making it a valuable tool to explore and adopt for a more efficient and effective testing process.

Applications of Generative AI in Test Automation

  • Generating Test Data: AI can create realistic and diverse test data, including valid yet unique combinations of user inputs, addresses, payment information, etc.
  • Automating Exploratory Testing: Generative AI can explore software functionalities autonomously, identifying unexpected behaviours and potential bugs.
  • Visual Testing Automation: AI models can be trained to identify visual inconsistencies and layout issues in the user interface.
  • Predictive Maintenance: By analyzing test results, AI can predict potential issues and suggest preventative measures, improving software reliability.

Challenges and Considerations

  1. Model Training and Development: Implementing generative AI requires expertise in AI and testing, along with access to relevant data for training the models.
  2. Explainability and Bias: Understanding the reasoning behind AI-generated tests and identifying potential biases in the models is crucial for ensuring test quality and fairness.
  3. Integration with Existing Workflows: Integrating generative AI tools seamlessly into existing testing workflows and infrastructure requires careful planning and adaptation.

How is AI Used in Test Automation?

AI is making significant strides in the field of test automation, offering several valuable applications:

  1. Automated Test Case Generation:
    • Unlike traditional scripting, AI utilizes machine learning and natural language processing to learn from existing data and user behavior.
    • This allows it to automatically generate diverse and comprehensive test cases, covering a wider range of scenarios compared to manual efforts.
  2. Improved Test Maintenance:
    • AI-powered tools can analyze code changes and automatically adjust existing test cases to adapt to these modifications.
    • This significantly reduces the time and effort required to maintain test suites, especially when dealing with frequent updates and changes.
  3. Self-Healing Tests:
    • AI-powered tools can identify unexpected errors during test execution and attempt to automatically fix them or suggest alternative approaches.
    • This helps to mitigate the impact of minor changes that might otherwise cause test failures, reducing the need for manual intervention.
  4. Visual Testing:
    • AI, particularly computer vision techniques, can be used to automate visual testing of user interfaces.
    • This involves training AI models to identify and compare visual elements such as layout, color, and font, ensuring consistency and catching visual bugs that might be missed by traditional methods.
  5. Exploratory Testing:
    • AI can be used to automate exploratory testing techniques, where the software is explored freely to discover potential issues.
    • This involves training AI models to learn from user interactions and identify unexpected behaviors or deviations from expected functionality.
  6. Test Data Generation:
    • AI can be used to generate realistic and diverse test data for various scenarios.
    • This includes creating valid yet unique combinations of user inputs, addresses, payment information, etc., improving the comprehensiveness and effectiveness of testing.
  7. Predictive Maintenance:
    • AI can be used to analyze test results and historical data to predict potential issues before they occur.
    • This enables proactive maintenance and helps to improve the overall reliability and stability of software applications.

While AI offers significant benefits in test automation, it's important to remember that it's not a silver bullet. Challenges like model training, explainability, bias, and integration with existing workflows need to be addressed for successful implementation.

Can AI Autogenerate and Run Automated Tests?

While AI in test automation offers significant advancements, it's not yet fully capable of autonomously generating and running all tests. There are key points to consider:

Current Capabilities

  • Partial Automation: AI can generate test cases based on existing data, user behavior, and code analysis. However, these tests often require human review and refinement to ensure accuracy and completeness.
  • Execution Assistance: AI can assist in running automated tests, particularly repetitive ones. This includes functionalities like scheduling, execution monitoring, and basic result interpretation. However, complex decision-making and intervention during test execution typically require human involvement.

Challenges in Full Automation

  • Understanding Context and Intent: AI currently struggles to fully grasp the context and intent behind software requirements and user interactions. This makes it difficult to generate truly comprehensive and meaningful test cases that capture the full spectrum of possible scenarios.
  • Creative Thinking and Problem-Solving: Complex testing situations often require creative thinking and problem-solving skills that are currently beyond the capabilities of AI. Human testers are still essential for handling unexpected situations, adapting to changes, and making judgment calls.
  • Explainability and Bias: Understanding the reasoning behind AI-generated tests and identifying potential biases in the models is crucial for ensuring test quality and fairness. This remains an ongoing area of research and development.

The Future of AI in Test Automation

While fully autonomous testing might be a future vision, AI is continuously evolving and showing promise in enhancing various aspects of test automation. As AI capabilities improve in areas like understanding context, reasoning, and handling complex situations, the level of automation might increase in the future.

Therefore, it's more accurate to say that AI currently acts as a powerful co-pilot in test automation, supplementing and amplifying human testers' capabilities rather than replacing them altogether.

Instead of replacing testers, AI is more likely to evolve into a powerful co-pilot, augmenting and amplifying human capabilities. Here's what we might expect:

  • Enhanced Test Creation and Execution: AI could assist in generating more comprehensive and diverse test cases, as well as automating repetitive execution tasks.
  • Improved Efficiency and Coverage: AI could help optimize test selection, prioritize test execution, and identify areas for improved test coverage.
  • Data-Driven Insights and Predictive Maintenance: Analyzing test data with AI could provide deeper insights into software quality, contributing to predictive maintenance and proactive bug prevention.

Will AI Take Over Test Automation?

It's unlikely that AI will completely take over test automation in the foreseeable future. While AI is making significant strides and offers valuable assistance in this field, several factors indicate that human testers will remain crucial:

Current Limitations of AI

  • Limited Understanding: AI currently struggles to fully grasp the context and intent behind software requirements and user behavior. This makes it challenging to generate truly comprehensive and meaningful test cases that capture the full spectrum of possible scenarios.
  • Lack of Creativity and Problem-Solving: Complex testing situations often require creative thinking and problem-solving skills that are beyond the current capabilities of AI. Human testers are still essential for handling unexpected situations, adapting to changes, and making judgment calls.
  • Explainability and Bias: Understanding the reasoning behind AI-generated tests and identifying potential biases in the models is crucial for ensuring test quality and fairness. This remains an ongoing area of research and development.

Human Expertise Remains Irreplaceable

  • Domain Knowledge and Critical Thinking: Testers often possess deep domain knowledge about the software being tested and can apply critical thinking to assess test results and identify underlying issues that AI might miss.
  • Strategic Planning and Decision-Making: Designing effective test strategies, prioritizing test cases, and making judgments about the overall quality of the testing process are areas where human expertise remains invaluable.
  • Communication and Collaboration: Testers play a vital role in communicating test results to stakeholders, collaborating with developers to fix bugs, and ensuring that software meets user expectations.

How can AI Help with Test Automation?

AI is becoming a valuable asset in the realm of test automation, offering various ways to improve efficiency, effectiveness, and overall quality. Here are some key ways AI can help:

  1. Automating Repetitive Tasks:
    • Test Case Generation: AI utilizes machine learning (ML) and natural language processing (NLP) to analyze existing data, user behavior, and code. This allows it to generate basic test cases automatically, saving testers valuable time and effort.
    • Test Data Creation: AI can be used to generate realistic and diverse test data for various scenarios. This includes creating valid yet unique combinations of user inputs, addresses, payment information, etc., improving the comprehensiveness of testing.
    • Test Execution: AI can automate the execution of repetitive test cases, freeing testers to focus on more strategic tasks. This includes scheduling tests, monitoring execution, and performing basic result interpretation.
  2. Enhancing Existing Test Suites:
    • Self-Healing Tests: AI can identify unexpected errors during test execution and attempt to automatically fix them or suggest alternative approaches. This helps to mitigate the impact of minor changes that might otherwise cause test failures, reducing the need for manual intervention.
    • Test Maintenance: AI-powered tools can analyze code changes and automatically adjust existing test cases to adapt to these modifications. This significantly reduces the time and effort required to maintain test suites, especially when dealing with frequent updates.
  3. Expanding Testing Capabilities:
    • Visual Testing: AI, particularly computer vision techniques, can be used to automate visual testing of user interfaces. This involves training AI models to identify and compare visual elements such as layout, color, and font, ensuring consistency and catching visual bugs.
    • Exploratory Testing: AI can be used to automate exploratory testing techniques, where the software is explored freely to discover potential issues. This involves training AI models to learn from user interactions and identify unexpected behaviours or deviations from expected functionality.
    • Predictive Maintenance: AI can be used to analyze test results and historical data to predict potential issues before they occur. This enables proactive maintenance and helps to improve the overall reliability and stability of software applications.

It's important to remember that AI is not a silver bullet. While it offers significant benefits, human expertise remains crucial for ensuring test quality and addressing complex situations that require creativity, judgment, and understanding of the application domain.

In essence, AI acts as a powerful co-pilot in test automation, augmenting and amplifying human testers' capabilities to achieve a higher level of software quality and efficiency.

Generative AI, a subfield of AI focused on creating new data, offers exciting possibilities within the realm of test automation. Here's how it can be leveraged to enhance the process:

  1. Generating Diverse and Comprehensive Test Cases:
    • Understanding Requirements and User Behavior: Generative AI can analyze existing documentation, user interaction data, and code to understand the application's functionalities and user behavior patterns.
    • Creating Varied Scenarios: Based on this understanding, the AI can generate a wider range of test cases compared to traditional methods. This includes covering edge cases, complex interactions, and unexpected user inputs that manual testers might miss.
    • Customizing Test Cases: Generative AI can tailor test cases to specific needs. For instance, it can create test cases for different browser versions, device configurations, or user roles.
  2. Automating Exploratory Testing:
    • Mimicking User Exploration: Generative AI models can be trained to mimic the way users explore software, navigating through various functionalities and identifying potential issues.
    • Uncovering Unexpected Behaviors: This automated exploration can unearth unexpected behaviors, regressions due to code changes, or usability issues that might not be evident in scripted test cases.
    • Prioritizing Test Cases: Based on the findings, the AI can prioritize test cases, focusing on areas with higher risk or potential impact.
  3. Enhancing Test Data Management:
    • Generating Realistic Test Data: Generative AI can create realistic and diverse test data sets that reflect real-world scenarios. This includes generating valid yet unique combinations of user names, addresses, payment information, etc.
    • Improving Test Coverage: This diverse data helps ensure that tests cover a wider range of possibilities, leading to more comprehensive test coverage.
    • Reducing Manual Effort: Generating test data manually can be time-consuming and error-prone. Generative AI automates this process, freeing up testers' time for other tasks.
  4. Automating Visual Testing:
    • Training AI Models: AI models can be trained on a set of visual references to learn the expected appearance of the user interface (UI) elements.
    • Identifying Visual Inconsistencies: During testing, the AI can compare the actual UI with the expected references, identifying any inconsistencies in layout, color, font, or other visual aspects.
    • Catching UI Bugs: This automated visual testing helps identify UI bugs that might be missed by traditional testing methods focused on functionality.
  5. Evolving Test Suites:
    • Adapting to Changes: Generative AI can analyze code changes and automatically update existing test cases to reflect the changes. This reduces the maintenance burden on testers and ensures that tests remain relevant after code updates.
    • Predictive Maintenance: By analyzing historical test data and user behavior patterns, generative AI can predict potential issues and suggest preventive measures. This proactive approach can help improve software quality and reliability.

Trends Shaping up in the Field of Automated Testing Using AI

  1. Exploratory Testing

    Until recently, Exploratory Testing could be categorized as a non-automatable action. But some organizations have begun training testing bots with self-learning capabilities to observe the quality assurance engineer exploring a web application manually and noticing defects. The bots slowly learn from their observations, crawl the application and find unusual patterns in future runs. By definition, Exploratory testing requires human intelligence. AI, though, will accelerate the process. V2Soft has QA experts, and their work is made better and more efficient by deploying our AI automation testing tools and AI testing framework, just like a carpenter who learned the trade with hand-tools is made better and more productive and efficient when given power tools.

  2. Spidering AI

    One of the most popular AI automation practices today is using machine learning to automatically write tests for applications by “spidering.” There are AI testing apps that automatically “crawl” the application. As the AI-based automation tools are “crawling,” it collects data by taking screenshots, downloading the HTML of every page, measuring load times, etc. It repeatedly runs the steps. Patterns and defects emerge, and then can be fixed rapidly.

  3. Self-healing Test Scripts?

    One of the use cases of AI in test-automation is self-healing test scripts, which fuel the effectiveness of quality assurance managers. Any change in the user-interface requires the revamping of multiple test-automation scripts. Whenever an AI powered test fails after an update, AI software testing tools have the capability to update the script automatically since it can better differentiate between a ‘change’ and a ‘bug’ than human-led manual testing processes can.

  4. Test Faster, Ship Faster

    Codeless AI testing is significantly faster than either manual testing or familiar automated solutions, as testers save time generating code. This allows companies to increase their ability to run tests and deploy solutions more quickly. Codeless tests also run in parallel and across browsers and devices, making them easier to scale. No-code testing technology can therefore boost time to market, which is key in today’s competitive market.

So, if AI is so effective, then why not do all the automated testing with AI?

It cannot be denied that test automation has revolutionized software testing. In today’s world of widely distributed, continuously updating services, competent software testing would be impossible without automated testing.

But handing off all an organization’s automated testing to AI is a bad idea. Why? If you close off the opportunity of good smart people to think deeply about how to integrate automation into testing efforts, you will ensure ensures failure. That is unfair to all the people (including customers) who depend on the success of the enterprise software.

There is a fad happening in software management today and that is the cry from the C-suite “that we just need more automation! More automation!”

But hold on. We discussed the many ways AI is being used in everyday lives above. Consider that autonomous cars have been crashing. And consider that AI bots that pop up on consumer and retail websites often leave customers baffled and frustrated because they are unable to properly help a large swath of customers with issues and problems. AI is a tool to be managed by humans with a sense of judgement, experience and the capacity to know when it makes sense to break a rule, a protocol or a standing policy in order to properly solve a customer problem.

Three Pitfalls to Avoid When Using AI in Automated Testing

  1. Don’t Take AI-assisted Automation too Far!

    Yes, there are great applications for AI-automation, and things it can do that manual testing can’t, or at least not as quickly and repeatedly. But the opposite is also true. There are things only manual testing can do better than automation, which is why you want to have the right mix of both.

    Where manual excels is simply the human factor that is critical to the process. The benefit of having a human patiently doing deep exploratory testing can’t be duplicated in automated testing.

    And we are just referring to finding bugs. It’s not that difficult to find bugs. Customers discover bugs all the time. An experienced quality-assurance pro has value in that he or she has developed an intuition for how the software can break, and how the software might be used by customers in ways it was never designed for.

    Another advantage of manual testing by QA is that they can immediately engage in determining the scope and severity of a bug, narrowing down test contexts (OS’s, workflows, etc) where it specifically manifests, and those where it does not. Automated tests can’t do this very well, or at all.

    V2Soft believes manual testing is usually preferred for the initial testing of new software features and capabilities. Automated testing is clearly better for continuous general regression, and for load and performance testing.

  2. Hiring The Wrong People

    V2Soft believes that an over emphasis on AI-assisted automated testing can lead some organizations to hire the wrong people for quality assurance.

    How so? Many organizations hire scripting experts who are boosters of automation and AI to QA positions. But the truth is that knowledge and being expert at using the automation tools tells you very little about their understanding of QA, which requires a broader skill and experience set well beyond scripting and automated testing. They get hired because they’re scripting wizards, not because they are skilled at designing a solid, smart diagnostic test.

  3. Creating Unintelligibility

    You’ve heard of artisanal cheese? How about artisanal software? It’s not for a software engineer to tell you that they can’t fix a bug or other problem because they didn’t write the code where it manifests. It’s terribly frustrating to be faced with this; it’s not as if code written by another engineer is in a different language. It’s as if you ask a plumber to fix a leak, and they tell you that they have to re-pipe the house because it is not plumbed the way they would have plumbed it.

    This scenario is also common in test automation engineering; engineers telling us they don’t know how to update a test automation process for a major product upgrade because they did not write it. And the engineer who did write it left the company. Before hiring a squad of QA engineers and empowering them to crank out automated test scripts by the hundreds, be sure you have first defined, and trained on, general standards of intelligibility. Require that all test are mutually intelligible to any of your QA engineers, so that you are not left in the situation of having to replumb the all of the testing process and protocols just because one team member left.


V2Soft, with its expertise in AI solutions and understanding of the software development life cycle, is well-positioned to leverage the potential of generative AI in test automation. Here's a concluding summary highlighting its key benefits and considerations:


  • Enhanced Efficiency: Automates repetitive tasks like test case generation and data creation, freeing up testers' time for strategic tasks.
  • Improved Test Coverage: Generates diverse and comprehensive test cases, covering edge cases and complex scenarios that might be missed otherwise.
  • Increased Test Quality: Helps identify unexpected behaviors and visual inconsistencies, leading to a higher quality of tests and software.
  • Reduced Maintenance Burden: Adapts test suites to code changes automatically, minimizing manual maintenance effort.
  • Predictive Maintenance: Analyzes test data to predict potential issues, enabling proactive maintenance and improved software reliability.


  • Model Training and Development: Requires expertise in AI and access to relevant data for training the models effectively.
  • Explainability and Bias: Understanding the reasoning behind AI-generated tests and identifying potential biases is crucial.
  • Integration with Existing Workflows: Careful planning and adaptation are needed to integrate generative AI tools seamlessly into existing testing processes.

Overall, generative AI holds immense potential to revolutionize test automation at V2Soft. By addressing the challenges and implementing this technology strategically, V2Soft can achieve significant improvements in testing efficiency, coverage, and quality, ultimately leading to more robust and reliable software applications.